Resolving Your Marriage Differences Amicably through Divorce Mediation
Typical divorce proceedings often involve a very traumatic and emotional process that affects everyone involved. This can result in stress and trauma not only for the couple undergoing divorce but also their children. Thankfully, alternative methods of divorce settlement—like mediation—are available to divorcing couples as an alternative to traditional court procedures and litigation. This approach enables those who want to dissolve their marriage to do so in a peaceful, non-combative, and cooperative manner. Divorce mediation enables couples to have their voices heard. The concerns of each spouse are voiced out and tempered by the mediator, until both parties can form an agreement that is acceptable to both of them. While mediation is not exactly stress free, it is often much more peaceful than the alternative. It takes into account both sides of the situation to come up with a resolution that is formulated faster and more efficiently compared to a traditional court settlement. ...